Maguire material handling systems

Maguire Syncro Gauging Control

Gauging Control

Wide range of gauging solutions for film, cast and flat sheet extrusion.

  • Gauging solutions according to end product
  • Capacitive, Inductive and NIR Near Infrared Technology
  • Precision inline measurement

SkYmex– Capacitive Gauging System

  • Ideal applications: all blown film applications, excluding barrier products.
  • Mono and co-extrusion applications.
  • Capacitive technology (contact / non-contact options).
  • Three stage telescopic arm (patent).
  • Rotating system and encoder band 360° – know position at all times.
  • Encoder band = belt free motion = significantly less maintenance and better accuracy.
  • Ultrasonic distance sensor automates telescopic arm setup – ensures gauging consistency.
  • Available for bubble diameters from 100mm up to 9m.

CombYscan – Capacitive & Inductive Gauging System

  • Ideal applications for blown film: sticky films, agristretch film and barrier film.
  • Ideal applications for flat dies: sheet, extrusion coating.
  • Mono and co-extrusion applications.
  • Excellent for both color and transparent products.
  • Inductive / capacitive technology.
  • Ideal for barrier film and sensitive film.
  • Measurement of total thickness – from 10 micron up to 4.5mm.
  • Layflat width from 500mm up to 3m.

OptYscan – NIR Near Infrared Gauging System

  • Ideal applications for blown film: barrier film, battery separator film.
  • Ideal applications for cast film: Stretch, barrier, CPP and battery separator film.
  • Ideal applications for Biax Extrusion: BOPP, BOPE and BOPET film.
  • NIR Near Infrared sensor – back scatter application.
  • Ideal to install on flat film or chill roll applications.
  • Absolute gauge – no need to change parameters or filters when changing type of film.
  • Measurement accuracy 0.1 micron.
  • Web width from 500mm – 10m.

RaYxscan – X- Ray Gauging System

  • Ideal applications for blown film: barrier film, battery separator film.
  • Ideal applications for cast film: Stretch, barrier, CPP and battery separator film.
  • Ideal applications for Biax Extrusion: BOPP, BOPE and BOPET film.
  • Ideal application for extrusion coating and lamination.
  • X-ray source. Source below ≤ 5Kva – therefore reducing safety risk and eliminating need for independent inspections.
  • Accurate measurement – down to 0.02 micron.
  • Easy installation and maintenance.
  • Web width from 500mm – 10m.

ShadYscan – Laser Gauging System

  • Ideal applications: foam sheet & calendering.
  • Mono and co-extrusion applications.
  • Gauging by laser shadow – non-contact.
  • Measurement not affected by color, transparency or material composition – better accuracy.
  • Easy access for periodic maintenance.
  • Thickness up to 10 mm.
  • Width from 500mm to 3m.


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