Frigel Intelligent Process Cooling Systems

Frigel 3PR Remote Control Panels


Remote control panels

Remote control panels for centralized systems.

The remote control panel allows for complete real-time control of the entire cooling system (parameters, functions, alarms etc.). In addition, the panel provides the possibility to connect to a higher monitoring system of the entire production process, using Modbus RTU on an Ethernet TCP / IP network. This system is also designed to allow Frigel technical assistance remote monitoring at any time in real time.


Centralized control and display

  • Centralizes the operating parameters and alarms of all system components.

  • Guides the user to take preventive maintenance measures.

  • Allows real-time remote monitoring of assistance via the web.

  • Possibility to connect to a higher supervision system (MiND).


Operating parameters and alarms under control

  • Powerful PLC with serial communication with each component of the system.

  • Remote control and display of each machine.

  • Monitoring of all operating variables (temperatures, flow rates and pressures).

  • Centralized monitoring and recording of all alarms.


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