Frigel Intelligent Process Cooling Systems

Frigel RCP Microgel Chiller for Packaging


Microgel for packaging

High performance cooling units with incorported water-cooled chiller and booster pump.

Microgel for packaging is a high-performance ultra-compact mold cooling unit. In one machine, it combines a water-cooled chiller with a high flow and pressure booster pump. Designed specifically for the reduction of cooling time in the packaging sector, in particular for the production of PET preforms, caps and blown products, Microgel is digitally synchronized with the molding machine and allows for searching and storing the best flow and temperature configurations that optimize product quality, with the minimum possible cooling time.


High performance

  • Cooling synchronized with the process.

  • Cycle time reduction up to 30%.

  • High energy efficiency (pumps and compressors).

  • Perfect repeatability.

  • Intelligent use of energy consumption.

  • High energy savings with automatic free-cooling.

  • Web-monitoring interface.


Ideal for packaging

  • Temperature range: -5 to 30°C ± 0.2 °C (23 to 86 °F ± 0.5 °F).

  • Chiller Capacity: from 25 to 450 kW (7 to 128 tons).

  • Booster pumps: from 5 to 250 m3/hr @ 5 bar (20 to 1,100 gpm @ 70 psi).

  • Inverter driven pumps and compressors (optional).


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